The Encore Society recognizes and honors Festival lovers who have planned to leave a gift to the New Hampshire Music Festival, ensuring the music of the Festival plays long into the future. There are several ways to include the New Hampshire Music Festival in your plans.
- BEQUESTS – Making a bequest to the New Hampshire Music Festival is one way to make a planned gift, but retain the use of your assets during your lifetime. Through a will, a family can bequeath a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or a residual value after other gifts have been satisfied.
- BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS – Naming the New Hampshire Music Festival as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, like an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or DAF may be a way to eliminate income tax and offset estate taxes on these assets at the time of your death.
- DIRECT GIFTS OF CASH – Gifts of cash, publicly traded securities, or life insurance cash value from a policy that is no longer needed can be given to the New Hampshire Music Festival’s endowment fund at any time, providing tax-saving benefits for you and immediate benefits to the Festival.
If you already have planned a gift for the Festival, please let us know. Planned gifts can always be anonymous, but we’d love to thank and recognize you as an Encore Society member in our Season Program.
To join the Encore Society, please fill out the confidential membership enrollment form. Completed forms can be mailed directly to our office at PO Box 64, Plymouth, NH 03246 or email it in confidence to [email protected]. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Erin Brooker-Miller, our Executive Director, at 603-238-9007 ext 1002.
New Hampshire Music Festival is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and donations are deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Tax ID: 02-0245614